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  • (A) This chapter shall regulate all development and redevelopment occurring within Boone County. No building permit shall be issued and no land disturbance started for any construction in a development, as defined in § 53.007, until the plans required by this chapter for such construction have been accepted in writing by the Boone County Drainage Board and/or Boone County Surveyor. With the exception of the requirements of §§ 53.020 through 53.026 and § 53.083 of this chapter, single-family dwelling houses in accepted subdivisions, new buildings (or building additions) with less than 500 square feet of area, and land-disturbing activities affecting less than 10,000 square feet of area shall be exempt from the requirements of this chapter. Also exempt from this chapter shall be the agricultural land-disturbing activities.
    (B) Boone County Drainage Board and/or Boone County Surveyor Projects shall be exempt from obtaining permit, but are expected to meet all applicable technical requirements of this chapter and the Boone County Stormwater Technical Standards Manual.
    (C) Any construction project which has had its final drainage plan accepted by the Boone County Drainage Board and/or Boone County Surveyor within a two-year period prior to the effective date of this chapter shall be exempt from all requirements of this chapter that are in excess of the requirements of ordinances in effect at the time of acceptance. Such an exemption is not applicable to the requirements detailed in §§ 53.020 through 53.026 of this chapter.
    (D) The Boone County Drainage Board and/or Boone County Surveyor has the authority to modify, grant exemptions, and/or waive any and all the requirements of this chapter and its associated technical standards document. A pre-submittal meeting with the Boone County Drainage Board and/or Boone County Surveyor may be requested by the applicant to discuss the applicability of various provisions of the chapter and its associated technical standards document with regards to unique or unusual circumstances relating to a project. However, any initial determination of such applicability shall not be binding on future determinations of the Boone County Drainage Board and/or Boone County Surveyor that may be based on the review of more detailed information and plans.
    (Ord. 2004-20, passed 12-13-2004)